"Panic Attacks" - The ways to deal with it!

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Panic attak is a feeling of sudden and intense anxiety. You feel like the walls are closing on you and your having a heart attack.

Panic attacks have physical symptoms like nausea, shaking, irregular heartbeats, breathlessness, sweating and dizziness. Panic attacks may last from five minutes to half an hour.

Tips to deal with it:-

1. Breathing Exercise

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Try some breathing exercise that could help ease your breathing. Breathe in slowly, deeply and gently through your nose and breathe out slowly, deeply and gently through your mouth. Doing breathing exercises daily will help to prevent panic attacks.

2. Regular Exercise

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Exercising regularly will help you manage stress levels and release tension and improve your mood.

3. Eat Regularly

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Eat regularly to stablize your meals.  Eat healthier meals.

4. Avoid Unhealthy Food

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Avoid caffeine, alcohol and smoking and other unhealthy foods that could worsen the panic attacks.

5. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

This helps to identify and change the negative thoughts that you have which leads to panic attacks.

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