5 Golden Rules for Glossy hair !!!
5 Golden Rules for Glossy hair !!!

Just like our skin, our hair looks great when it shines. If your hair shines, it means you have healthy hair and makes your face appear radiant too. Some women are born with the natural gloss on their hair. But some women may not be so lucky. Wait, don’t you worry, here are some awesome ways you can get that shiny glossy locks.

Treat your Hair with Care

If you want glossy hair, first you need to repair the damaged hair. Hair gets very dry during the winters. Also, thanks to hot showers, heaters, etc. Restore it by applying hair masks.

Deep Conditioning

Occasionally, you must deep condition your hair. It traps moisture in the strands and keeps the hair healthy and full of life.

Oil it, don’t grease it

Oiling your hair is very important. Oil your hair before a hair wash, as this nourishes it. Make sure you oil it and not grease it. Apply it in such a way that is penetrates the hair, instead of blocking it. This makes it clean as well as shiny.

Wash with cold water

It is preferable to use cold water to wash your hair. If the climate is cold, warm water should do. But make sure the last wash is with some cold water. It helps in blood circulation, keeps the pores closed and hair glossy.

Eat right

Eating helps to keep your hair glossy and perfect. Include fruits and vegetables. Drink plenty of water. Foods with omega-3 fatty acids like salmon and walnuts help retain moisture in your hair. Spinach is packed with nutrients like vitamin A, C and E as well as calcium and iron, also protein rich foods – egg, meat, fish and nuts boost the natural shine in your hair.

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