Add Egg in your weight loss diet
Add Egg in your weight loss diet

The common misconception is that due to excess fat in the egg, it increases weight. Experts say that those who want to lose weight in a healthy way, they must include eggs in their diet. Also people who exercise muscle for strengthening during the weight training program have needed higher protein intake in their body.

To complete this damage, boiled egg should be eaten, in which 100 grams have 13 grams of protein. Eggs contain 5 grams of fat, which helps in weight loss. Eat egg yolk only once a week. The amount of calories consumed by eating one egg in the breakfast makes the stomach feel more full compared to the calorie intake.

Eggs will be found in economical prices. You can eat egg or curry once or twice a day if you wish. By making omelette, it recovers on the purpose of weight loss.

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