Before finding your Ms.Right;guys just check the other one too !
Before finding your Ms.Right;guys just check the other one too !

Guys, it is tough to choose your Ms. Right .There are loads of girls in the world, you have to go through many before finding your Ms. Right.

Nothing bad in it; to known many girls because if you don’t pass through different ways how can you find your real destination?

Let’s know and prepare yourself; because in the path you may meet different types of Ms.Rights.

1. The extremely high maintenance girl:

The high maintenance girl is great for a casual fling, but you don't want to get serious with her or bring her home to your parents it never lasts.

2. The bossy chatter box:

This girl will more than likely be your first love. You probably know her from an early age and began dating in your teens.She's pretty attractive, very confident and the life of the party when she's with her girl friends.

3. The friend with benefits:

You and this girl were most likely childhood friends.You lived on the same street, went to the same school, hung out innocently and genuinely enjoyed each other's company for years then she grew a set of boobs, and you started having "feelings" down there.

4. The cute, timid girl:

She's super shy, and really quiet with you at the start. You both have an attraction to each other and want to pursue this avenue further.Getting to know her is a very slow process, because she's

so withdrawn which makes it hard for you to drag her out of that shell.


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