Brad Pitt's mother wants his ex-wife Jennifer Aniston to be back in Brad's life
Brad Pitt's mother wants his ex-wife Jennifer Aniston to be back in Brad's life

Hollywood stars Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt back in the year had decided to part their ways and the divorce case is in the run in court. Meanwhile, Brad was recently spotted looking paler and thinner than usual and this makes his mother worried for him.

Reveals the insider, "Jane knows Jen’s remarried but she believes she and Brad were meant to be together. She would love them to get back together—she loves Jen like a daughter and always will."

Added the insider, "Jane’s devastated at the state her son’s in, he is just not doing well right now, and she’s begged Jen to please take him under her wing and help him get back on his feet. "Despite the terrible way Brad treated her, Jane and Jen have never lost contact."

But, as the source stated: "She’ll never go back to him, there’s definitely been a lift on the no-contact rule from her inner circle." 

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