Enjoy your breakfast with this "Instant Bread Idli" recipe
Enjoy your breakfast with this

Idli, this tasty South Indian recipe is packed with health and nutrition and won't take much of your time.

Here's the ingredient list

4-5 slices of white bread or whole grain

1 cup Idli rava or rice rava

1 cup thick curd


Water to mix

Pinch of baking soda

Idli trays

Oil to grease the trays

Here's the directions

Cut the edges of the bread, and break it into pieces.

Grind the bread into a coarse powder.

Add the idli rava and mix the ingredients.

Adding water as required to make into a consistency.

Now, rest the batter for about 20 minutes and give it a mix.

Grease your trays.

Just before adding the batter into the trays add a pinch of baking soda.

Add the batter into the trays and steam it for about 10 minutes.

Once done let it cool a bit and then unmould.

Serve with coconut chutney and sambar

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