Make Snacks Paneer Popcorn at home
Make Snacks Paneer Popcorn at home

Today we are telling you the easy way to make cheese popcorn. Your children will like this popcorn so much.


Paneer 200 g, salt 1/2 tsp, oregano 1 tsp, chili flex 1 tsp For solution: 30 grams of flour, water 80 ml Bread crums

To fry: oil


1-Mix a paneer, salt, oregano, chili flakes into a bowl and mix it.

2- Now take the second bowl and mix the flour and water in it and prepare the solution.

3- Then put the paneer in the flour paste and wrap it in the crums of the bread.

4-Heat oil in a pan and fry the paneer in it. 5-Serve it hot with sauce.

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