More scrub leads to ageing and wrinkles
More scrub leads to ageing and wrinkles

It is important to have a nice beauty routine for the beautiful and healthy skin. So if you use the beauty products found in the market, be careful. Because there is a lot of chemicals in these beauty products, which can be harmful to your skin. So you should take care of these things.

 1- While scrubbing your skin, always keep in mind that never scratch with sharp hands. Because scrubbing fast, your skin starts to dry, due to which the ruffiness can occur. Also scrubing more quickly leads to ageing and wrinkles. Always use light hands to scrub. 

2- Never use more makeup in the summer season. Always use light make-up. While sleeping at night, always keep your makeup removed and then sleep. Applying makeup can cause great damage to your skin by sleeping. 

3- Never use excessive hot water for bathing. By doing so, your skin slowly starts to become rigid, so try to use cold water for bathing.

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