Simple And Best Skincare Routine For Youthful Skin
Simple And Best Skincare Routine For Youthful Skin

Whether you're 25 or 65, you want to look your best. But no matter how much we wish it wasn't so, each day brings tiny changes that chip away at our youth and beauty. When you're 35 and mistaken for being 26, you'll look back at this moment and be beyond happy that you got with the plan.

Here is dermatologist-prescribed skin routine that helps prevent premature ageing:

1. Cleanse thoroughly, but gently - If you're wearing make-up and sunscreen, you may want to use two different products, such as a cleansing oil and a wash-off cleanser, to be really thorough.

2. Try an acid peel pad, toner or serum for fresh, youthful-looking skin - Glycolic acid is a great ingredient for exfoliating – and so brightening the skin and improving texture – as well as stimulating collagen.

3. Use a moisturiser or serum with retinoids - These are vitamin A derivatives, which have long been proven to hamper collagen breakdown, tackle brown spots, thicken the skin after initial peeling and redness, and increase skin cell turnover.

4. Wear sunscreen daily - UV light is the biggest skin ager and is suitable for all skin types. 

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