Some Emotional Stages of Being in a 'New Relationship'
Some Emotional Stages of Being in a 'New Relationship'

New relationships are great. They’re full of excitement and discovery. The tidal waves of hormones you feel at the start make every moment seem like magic. You’re pretty sure you’ve never felt this way about someone before, and you don’t see how things could be any better. 

The five stages of new love everyone feels – 

1. Oh my god, where did you come from, a perfect person I have ever met?! Kissing you is the best and hanging out with you is the best and also not having to date someone who is a total loser is the best! Plus, you are so hot! How are you so hot?

2. That one thing you do is really weird and I'm not completely into it. I'd be lying if I said that the fact that you brush your teeth using only baking soda wasn't confusing and strange, but I still like you a lot, so who cares? No one is perfect.

3. Man, the qualities I do not love about you are really piling up. Again, it's cool though because they don't really matter and all your other qualities are the seriously top notch. Still feelin' it.

4.  I'm so into you but also know basically nothing about you. Like, do you have a secret family? Is it weird to ask about diseases?

5.  I feel like I'm in love with you but I will not will not, say it. I mean, I think it approximately five times every time I see you but I know it's too soon and I will not say it. Don't you worry about that?

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