Tips to get beautiful nails and feet
Tips to get beautiful nails and feet

Beautiful nails are important for beautiful feet. Even though the color of your feet is too blonde, but if your nails are crooked or black then the beauty of the feet gets spoiled.

That's why, as you look after your face, The feet also need equal care. The beautiful feet make your personality beautiful. Let's know it here:

1- To increase the beauty of your feet, do the pedicure in your feet every fifteen days. By doing so, your feet will always remain beautiful. If you want, you can also make your pedicure at home.

2- To take care of feet, take a warm water in a tub every night and add essential Oil to it, then keep the feet in the water for 15 minutes. By doing so, the skin of your feet will become soft. The torn hell will also be fine.

3- Whenever you put your feet in hot water, clean the nails with a brush and rinse it with the pumice stone. By doing so, all the dirt and dead skin stored in your feet and nails will come out.

4- Use oils with curative cream, petroleum jelly and vitamin E on your feet nails. Massage the cream or oil with the nail hands light before sleeping.

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