Top 5 symptoms of 'Dandruff' you would like to know about!
Top 5 symptoms of 'Dandruff' you would like to know about!

Dandruff is a very common scalp disorder. While oily scalp is a common factor that leads to dandruff, dry scalp also can lead to dandruff.

Some of the symptoms of dandruff are:

1. Itchy Scalp

Itchy scalp is the most common symptom of dandruff. Itching is caused due to lose flakes. These flakes are dead cells from the scalp.

2. Hair fall

Dandruff causes hair fall and it is the main symptom of dandruff. It is a very common symptom if you’re suffering from dandruff.

3. Dry and Dull hair

Dandruff extracts the oil from the scalp leaving it dry and lifeless.

4. Acne and pimples

Dandruff can cause acne and pimples. Acne and pimples that are caused due to dandruff have a reddish appearance.



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