These simple steps will soothe your dry skin
Skip long hot showers
Hot showers strip your body of its natural oil barrier, and you need that barrier to help trap moisture and keep your skin smooth and moist. After a shower gently pat dry and moisturize your body.
Use a gentle cleanser or shower gel with moisturizer
Go easy on toners, peels, and other astringents made with alcohol, which is drying. When you exfoliate, don't scrub too much or too hard. It can irritate and thicken the skin
Tips for relieving dry skin
Humidify in winter
Cold, dry air is a common cause of dry, irritated skin. Heating your house keeps you warm, but it also removes moisture from the air, which can make dry skin even more parched.
Eat good oils
Eating good fatty acids will go a long way toward soothing dry skin. Include a whole lot of omega-3 rich foods in your diet, and suggest you supplement with fish oil.
Exfoliate naturally
Sugar scrub method. Combine ½ a cup of sugar and enough olive oil to wet it. Apply the scrub to your skin and gently rub in circular motion to exfoliate for about 1-2 minutes. Rinse off and pat dry.
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