Not just the mind, your body also get affected when you are in love !
Not just the mind, your body also get affected when you are in love !

When you are in love it's a common phenomenon that your mind travels to another world. Faster heartbeats, daydreaming, butterflies in your stomach and fantasies are just a few of the signs your body shows when you fall in love. There are many other amazing changes your body faces when you are in love, listed here a few:

  • Trouble sleeping: How could your body get asleep when your mind is on duty? That open eye dreaming of your love keeps you awake and sometimes you become obsessive about it. Well, it's completely normal and with time you should be able to get back to your standard sleep cycle. 
  • Weaken appetite: When you eat, drink and think of your love all the day how your appetite would be able to maintain its health? Your body hormones are responsible for your bad appetite that makes you think of nothing but what you desire.
  • Pains and aches do not bother you anymore: Love is a natural remedy to your body. When you are in love your mind function in such a way that for every small aches and pain love acts as a painkiller to your body. 


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