A pumpkin is a fruit, because it matches this dictionary definition of "fruit": While cutting into a pumpkin, there are so many seeds. Like pumpkin there are others too are considered as vegetables like tomatoes, beans, green peppers, etc.
A fruit is also the section of the plant that contains the seeds. All the other parts of plants are considered vegetables. This includes the stems, leaves and roots — and even the flower bud. That means that beans, avocados, tomatoes, corn kernels, cucumbers, even nuts are all fruits! If you look at a pumpkin plant, you will see a blossom. When the blossom dries up, you will see a little tiny pumpkin starting to grow from the flower. According to the scientific definition of a fruit, “a pumpkin is a part of a plant that grows from a flower”, so a pumpkin is a fruit.
Pumpkin is one of the most delicious gourds; its deep orange flesh and sweet flavor make it a wonderful food on the fall table. There are different ways you can eat a pumpkin though it is better enjoyed as a fruit. Here are a few ways you would enjoy eating pumpkin.
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