The kinds of extra-marital affairs and why they happen!!!
The kinds of extra-marital affairs and why they happen!!!

Extramartial affairs are on the rise today and there are many reasons for falling out of love with your partner. Extramartial affairs are seen both in men and women finding another person to lean on to.

Married for the wrong reasons

Some people get married due to pressure from family and society, etc. At times many people agree to marry without even knowing their partner. Once they are married they tend to realise the wrong choice they have made and in such situations, if they get anyone who is better than their current spouse, they get attracted to him/her immediately. And what starts as a simple friendship usually ends up in an affair.

Emotional disconnect

The top reason for couples growing emotionally disconnected from each other are lack of time and communication with each other. To be connected you need to talk, spend time with each other, care, express, laugh. If these things are not done you will start getting disconnected from each other and enjoying someone else’s company, and this can eventually lead to an affair.

Becoming parents

Relationship changes between b=husband and wife once they become parents. Priorities change, the time you can give each other reduces. While most women are so busy being mothers. Men tend to feel unimportant, lose interest and indulge in extramarital affairs. And since most women are usually so busy being mothers, they probably don't even realise this for a long time

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