Knowing what to say to people going through depression can be tough, even if you’re really close to them.
I am here for you
By telling someone with depression that you're there for them -- and then really showing it -- you're probably helping more than you realize.
This not your fault
Sometimes folks with depression feel that it happens because there is something wrong with them.
What kind of thoughts are you having
Asking never makes people worse. Not asking risks missing knowing about something terrible. Explain that it's normal to have those thoughts with depression, but [suicide] as a result of those thoughts shouldn't be an option.
Do you want to go for a walk?
Seeing nature and feeling the fresh air with the company of someone who cares can be incredibly revitalizing.
Can I help you with anything?
It sounds so simple, but when in a depressive episode those simple things can be near impossible to accomplish.
Lets do something
Let’s go to a yoga class, let’s do something together. A person could be very surprised at how good they feel after doing something with someone.