Ways that will help your child sleep better!!!
Ways that will help your child sleep better!!!

It’s always a task getting your kids to sleep. But making your child sleep better can be a little difficult. Kids are restless. They either wake up crying or hungry or for various other reasons.

Here are a few tips that you need to add or eliminate for your kids to sleep better.

Co-Sleep with your kids as it makes them feel safe and comfortable. children who co-sleep with their parents grow up with higher self-esteem and less anxiety.

Bedtime snacks could help if your kid wakes up feeling hungry. A small snack before bedtime can help their bodies stay fueled through the night. They could include some graham crackers, a glass of milk, a fruit, or anything small. Avoid heavy snacks as this interferes with sleep.

Turn off all the lights, as the healthiest way to sleep is in complete darkness. Any kind of light disrupts hormone regulation, which affects sleep and the immune system. In case your kid is afraid of the dark, you can leave a dim light on or let the light in the hallway remain on. You can turn it off once they’re asleep.

Minimize television and gadgets before going to bed as this disconnects them from all the excitement and drama that goes on, on television, iPads, cell-phones, etc.

Creating a routine makes it easier for kids to fall asleep more quickly, wake up less while sleeping and sleep a bit longer, on an average.

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