When is the right time to get the 'lime water'!
When is the right time to get the 'lime water'!

All fruits and vegetables have medicinal values and one of them is lime. Lemon juice has anti-toxin qualities which purifies and cleanses the blood and digestive system. It also acts as an anti-oxidant as it revitalizes the body. If one wants to quench your thirst lime juice is a good option.

Lime water if had every morning it helps to get rid of cancer, blood pressure and urinary tract problems. If a person wants to lose weight he can have a slice of lemon along with lukewarm water.

People who exercise and work out can have lime juice in a different way. During excessive workouts or gyming people tend to sweat a lot and lose lot of salts and water. Lime juice helps to hydrate one's body after a good workout. It is advisable to keep a couple of slices of lime in a bottle of water and keep sipping throughout the day. This can be done especially during the summer season when we tend to sweat a lot.

During strenuous exercises our body creates lots of acid and this can be neutralized by having lime water. Lime water helps to recover fast from high intensity workouts, but if your workouts tends to go for more than an hour, lime juice should be supported with other energy drinks.

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