10 Differences between High School and College Life


High School is an institution that typically offers the second part of the children’s basic education. Following high school and secondary school, some people may choose attend college, which further specialized education based on the degree or course that the student has chosen to study. High School and College are two different types of institutions that provide education. In college, balance is the key. Work a lot, have a little fun and make your aim set.

Here are a few comparisons that you’ll experience during your transition into the college lifestyle:

1. Awareness about the environment

High School: In high school, you know everyone in your class or even in other class.

College: In college, you’re lucky to know one person in your class.

2. Education become expensive

High School: High school books are provided which is not that much costly.  

College: College textbooks cost a small fortune.

3. Parents supports

High School: You have to live with your parents in high school.

College: You get to live with your friends in college and mostly ignore Parents

4. Rules or No rules

High School: You wake up early in the morning for class in high school.

College: You wake up for your first class (or whenever you want).

5. Difference in Teaching

High School: In high school, teachers read from the textbooks they use.

College: In college, professors refer to the textbooks they wrote.

6. Home advantage

High School: In high school, you studied comfortably at home before a test.

College: In college, the library becomes your home away from home.

7. Homework possible while Assignment is impossible

High School: In high school, you’re able finish all your homework in one night.

College: In college, that’s a near-to-impossible feat.

8. Fashion trend

High School In high school, you worried about what “looked” cool.

College: In college, you’re too busy to care about what other people think.

9. Attendance

High School: High school attendance is mandatory.

College: College attendance is (strongly) suggested but still not followed by the student.

10. About the future

High School: In high school, student don’t worried for their future.

College: In college, students always worried about their future but couldn’t do anything about it.


Conclusion: In the end, People missed their High school life in comparison of College life.

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