These things bring negative energy in the house

According to Vastu Shastra, there are some such activities in the house which we do not pay attention to, but this overlooking becomes the cause of loss and problems. Today we will tell you about 10 such items, if kept in the house, then it becomes the cause of unhappiness. Pigeons Nest in the house is considered an inauspicious mark according to Vastu Shastra. It is believed that this causes major problems at home.

If the bee or wasp has a hive in the house, remove it. Having them in the house is an inauspicious sign. The reason for this is that due to this, many times major accidents happen. Spiders shouldn't be allowed to spin webs. According to Vastu Shastra, this increases confusion and problems. Along with this, if there is a mirror or broken glass in the house, then leave it outside the house. According to Vastu Shastra, it maintains the communication of negative energy.

The entry of bats into the house is not considered auspicious. According to Vastu Shastra, the presence of bats in the house is a sign of numbness. This means that the members living in the house may leave the house or there may be something bad in the house. Also, do not let junk and waste items remain on the roof of the house, and do not collect stale flowers in the house of worship. Bad electric appliances should not be allowed to remain in the house. It is very important to take care of all these things.

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