102-Year-Old Woman Sets Record as Britain’s Oldest Skydiver

A remarkable 102-year-old woman has set a new record in Britain by becoming the country's oldest skydiver after leaping from a plane at an incredible 7,000 feet on her birthday.

Manette Baillie, known for her adventurous spirit, took on this thrilling challenge to raise funds for three different charities. Despite her age, Manette is no stranger to daring feats. In fact, she has always sought out excitement throughout her life.

During World War II, Manette served in Egypt with the Women's Royal Navy Service, demonstrating her resilience and dedication. She was also married to a paratrooper, which likely fueled her passion for adventure. Even now, at 102, she remains active, regularly driving her car. Notably, on her 100th birthday, she raced a Ferrari around Silverstone, reaching speeds of 209 kmph.

Speaking about her skydive, Manette admitted, "It was a bit scary. I must admit I shut my eyes very firmly." However, she hopes her story encourages others who are approaching their 80s and 90s not to give up on life. "Just keep going," she advised. "I've been so lucky to be fit and well, so I've got to do something with it. I can't just waste it. Other people are suffering from arthritis, and I'm not."

Manette's love for life extends beyond thrilling adventures. She believes that the key to her long and fulfilling life is "community, friends, and being among people." She remains deeply connected to her community and is passionate about supporting future generations. She is helping to refurbish the Benhall & Sternfield Ex Servicemen’s Village Social Club, a venue originally built for soldiers returning from the war. As someone who cherishes her community, Manette is determined to ensure that this club will continue to serve future generations.

"Benhall Village Hall started as a rickety tin hut for those coming home from the war," she said. "I want to help do it up for the next generation. No doubt, there’ll be more wars to come, and more young people back needing a place to gather."

With her remarkable spirit and drive, Manette Baillie remains an inspiration for people of all ages.

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