105 patient of Indore has no symptoms, yet found corona positive

Corona has spread its foot in many districts of Madhya Pradesh, the maximum infection is increasing in Indore. More than a thousand people are infected in the city, but there are 105 people among them, whose report came positive, but they do not show any symptoms. They do not even need a hospital. They have been kept in the corona care centers of the city instead of the hospital. Now most of these are coming infected like this. In view of this, quarantine centers are being converted into care centers.

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46 quarantine centers were built in the city. In these, more than two and a half thousand people stayed in the month, but after completing 14 days and the report came negative, they were released from the centers. Now only one thousand people are staying in these centers. Many centers are completely empty. The biggest advantage of quarantine centers was that 400 out of a thousand corona infected reached hospitals from these centers, because they had been in contact with the infected people in the past.

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People living in quarantine centers have increased immunity, so they are being given decoction and Chyamanprash. On the other hand, many people have also been worried about the food menu being the same. He says that most potato vegetables come in the parcel. Music programs and yoga classes have also been started in these centers.

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