20 year old migrant shot dead by a US border patrol officer

The body of a 20 years old girl called Claudia Gomez was burried in her native town San Juan Ostuncalco in western Guatemala.

 Hundreds of mourners gathered in Guatemala  to attend the funeral of the young girl.

They marched from the dead girl’s house to the Cemetry in heavy rain.

Claudia gomez was shot dead by a border patrol agent in Texas on May 23.

 According to the reports, the Officer open fired on the public after they marched towards him and also attacked the officer with certain blunt objects.

The Central Americans have long been suffering from drug traffickers, poverty and the speeding violence.

They are therefore forced to cross the US borders illegally.

Claudia’s father, Gilberto Gomez asked for justice and also said to meet the officer who killed her daughter.

 The Mourners have demanded for better treatment towards the Migrants.

According to the reports of Mexico's migration institute, the population of the Guatemalans has reduced from 2016 to 2017 greatly.

 Juan Alberto Aguilar, the mayor of Ostuncalco expressed his dissapointment regarding trump administration’s behavior towards the Migrants.

He said that it is regretful that a country that preaches about peace, performs a heartless action against a girl who aimed at a brighter future.

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