World would have considered 26/11 as 'Hindu terrorism,' if 'Tukaram Omble' was not...

Mumbai: The 26/11 attack was a conspiracy to kill Indians as well as implicate them. The conspiracy was that the Indians should be accused of this massacre of Indians, we should keep fighting among ourselves and political parties can give the slogan of fake 'Hindu terrorism.' Under this conspiracy, all the terrorists were given ID cards with Indian names, even kalava was tied in their hands. 10 terrorists came to Mumbai by sea, out of which 9 were killed, and 10th would also have been killed there if the brave Tukaram Omble of Mumbai Police was not there. Brave Omble, who confronted the terrorist with a stick, did not leave the terrorist's neck even after 23 bullets.

After that terrorist was caught alive, we came to know that there was no Mohan, Laxman, or Hariprasad who killed hundreds of Indians on 26/11, but the Islamic terrorist sent by Pakistan. In this conspiracy of Pakistan, the Congress had indirectly given full support. The Congress was running the government at the Centre at that time and Manmohan Singh was the Prime Minister. Aziz Burney, who is considered very close to the Congress, wrote a full book titled '26/11- RSS conspiracy' to prove the conspiracy of Pakistan and congress veteran Digvijay Singh, along with filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt, came to unleash it and gave a clean chit to Pakistan. That is, what Pakistan wanted, Congress did it on its own.  


However, this entire conspiracy was exposed by the capture of Ajmal Kasab alive, and after that, there were many revelations in the interrogation. Kasab himself had told that he was sent from Pakistan to spread terror in India. However, after the truth came out, Aziz Burney apologized for blaming the RSS for the Mumbai attacks in his book, but Digvijay Singh and Congress have not yet apologized for it. If Tukaram Omble has not been at that time, even those who said terrorism does not have a 'religion' would have been calling the 26/11 attack Hindu terrorism and the majority of the country would have been ashamed of themselves.  

Why did Congress not allow an attack on Pakistan?

Not only this, even after the conspiracy of Pakistan was exposed, the Congress, which is conspiring to call the 26/11 attack a conspiracy of RSS, did not take any action against the neighboring country. Former Air Force Chief BS Dhanoa had said in a statement that after the 2008 Mumbai terror attack, there was a proposal to attack terrorist camps in Pakistan. The Indian Air Force had put forward a plan to the then-Manmohan Singh government but did not get approval. Former Air Force Chief Dhanoa had said that we knew where the terrorist camps were in Pakistan, we were ready. But it is a political decision whether you have to strike or not. He said that even after the attack on Parliament on December 13, 2001, the IAF had proposed air strikes on Pakistan, but the approval was not received.

In such a situation, the question arises that why was the then Congress government adopting such a soft attitude towards Pakistan. Did they not know that since the independence of the country, Pakistan has attacked India many times and only dreams of breaking India and keeps plotting for it. Even after the sacrifice of 166 people, the Congress government's 'silent support' to Pakistan will continue to prick the people of India for decades.

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