3 Must beauty ingredients

Beauty is very personal and in the past few pandemic months, skincare is all that is helping us keep sane. One of the easiest ways to pamper yourself is by whipping a good old face mask and letting it work it’s magic. While expensive products have it’s own perks, there’s something about home remedies that always seems to find its way into our self-care sessions. So if you’re someone who loves a good homemade mask or wants to delve into the world of home remedies, make sure to stock up on these 3 ingredients: 

Rose Water

:One of the most universally loved ingredients, rose water works as a great toner and binding agent for face masks. It is one of the best to keep the skin hydrated while not clogging the pores in any way. Works well for every girl right from dry skin to acne prone and oily. It is also a great product that works well on signs of ageing and helps diminish them. 

Vitamin E


If you have been following us for a while, you’ll know how much we swear by vitamin E for both skincare and haircare. It is that one ingredient that perfectly complements your SPF and turns around the harmful effects of the UV rays. It also keeps the skin hydrated and calm while working on reducing the acne scars and blemishes. 

Aloe Vera

It must be no secret to have this miraculous ingredient on the list. Aloe vera is one of the best ingredients you can have in your beauty wardrobe. It helps keep the skin moisturised while also working on aggravated or sunburnt skin. The anti-inflammatory properties work on all skin types making it a must have in every wardrobe. 


4 Oils that will make your hair monsoon ready.

Get ready to achieve glowing and acne free skin.

Vitamin E is a God sent ingredient for skin care

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