MP: 3000 junior doctors resignation amid corona period for THIS demand fulfillment

Jabalpur: Junior doctors have come down to fight after the Jabalpur High Court declared the strike by junior doctors illegal and dismissed junior doctors from 5 medical colleges. In fact, Dr. Ankita Tripathi, Secretary, Madhya Pradesh Junior Doctors Association, has recently talked about it. "About 3,000 junior doctors in Madhya Pradesh have submitted their collective resignations," he said. The Government has not accepted our demand but only assured, so we did not call off the strike. 

At the same time, he also said, "Police are being sent home to call off our strike. The Government is saying that junior doctors are blackmailing. Whereas it is not so. If blackmail had to be done, why would you blackmail when there were more patients, now there are fewer patients?" On the other hand, on the junior doctors' strike and his mass resignation, Medical Education Minister Vishwas Sarang says, "His attitude shows his dogma even after his demands are met.''

What are the demands of junior doctors?

58200 and 57000 to 70680 and 59000 to 73160.

- An annual increase of 6% per annum should also be given on our basic stipend.

- A committee should be constituted to remove 1 year rural bond after PG in lieu of covid duty. - Every junior doctor working on covid duty will get a gazetted certificate of 10 which will further benefit him in government service.

- All junior doctors working in Covid and their families should be separately reserved for one area and bed in the hospital and priority should be given for their treatment.

- Proper security should be provided to all junior doctors who are working on covid duty in view of their high workload.

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