Shivraj asked 31 trains to bring back trapped labours from eight states

The lockdown period has been extended to prevent corona. 40 thousand migrant labourers trapped in MP's neighbouring states have returned home so far. All these workers have been brought by buses. Still thousands of laborers of the state are stuck in other states, which is difficult to bring through buses. The Shivraj government of MP has asked 31 trains from the central government to bring back those labourers.

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CM Shivraj Singh Chauhan has given important information about it on Sunday. The CM has said that a proposal to run 31 special trains has been sent to the Railway Ministry to bring back those who are trapped in other states of MP. These trains will bring people of Madhya Pradesh from 8 states of the country. CM has said that a plan for a total of 31 trains has been sent to the Ministry of Railways to bring our labourers from different states. Soon our labourers will come to MP from trains. Shivraj said that such information has come that some labourers coming from Nashik have been charged there. No labour should give any money. Additional Chief Secretary ICP Kesari said that a plan of 31 trains has been sent to the Ministry of Railways to bring our labourers from different states.

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Additional Chief Secretary ICP Kesari has told that the plan for 31 trains has been sent to the Ministry of Railways. Out of these, 22 trains from Maharashtra, 2 from Gujarat, 1 from Delhi, 2 from Goa and 4 trains from other states will come back to MP with citizens and labourers of Madhya Pradesh.

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