4 lakh people from China entered America amid Corona outbreak

Washington: America has the highest number of corona virus victims worldwide. According to a New York Times report, 4,30,000 people had flown to the US just a few days after the corona virus spread in China. That is, when people got the latest information about the spread of Corona infection in Wuhan.

According to the news, many of these travelers were those who reached the US directly from the city of Wuhan, the center of the virus. Before President Donald Trump imposed a ban on the visit, about 1,300 direct flights had landed from China in 17 states of America and millions had entered the US. It has been reported in the news that, "On the eve of the New Year, Chinese authorities had referred to the international health authorities as a mysterious disease like pneumonia. After which at least 4,30,000 people arrived in the US from China by plane. According to statistics, these include 40,000 people who traveled even two months after the US was banned. "

It has been told in the report that the investigation process of passengers coming from China at the airports was not strict. In early January, Chinese officials were underestimating the severity of the epidemic. For this reason, no passenger coming from China could be investigated, so that his infection could be detected.

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