Do not buy these things on Saturday

According to religious beliefs, every single day of the week is dedicated to some deity. Along with that, they are especially worshiped on that day. On the other hand, Saturday is considered the best day to worship Shani Dev. On this day, worshiping Shani Dev on this day gives special grace to Shani Dev. But according to astrology, to avoid the ill effects of Saturn, there are some tasks mentioned in astrology, which should not be done on Saturday.

Iron goods One should not buy iron items on Saturday. On Saturday, Shanidev gets angry by buying any iron item. On this day, things made of iron should be donated. On this day, special care should be taken not to bring items made of iron at home. You can buy iron items on any day except Saturday.

Should not buy salt Salt should not be bought on Saturday. It is believed that buying salt on Saturday brings a debt burden. According to astrology, if you want to avoid debts, do not buy salt on this day.

Black sesame  Never buy black sesame on Saturday It is believed that buying black sesame on this day interrupts the work. To remove Saturn, there is a rule of donating black sesame on Saturday and offering it on peepal tree.

Black shoes If you want to buy black shoes, do not buy them on Saturday. It is believed that black shoes purchased on Saturday cause the wearer to fail. According to astrology, if you want to avoid failure and want to succeed, then do not forget to buy black shoes on this day.

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