4 Yoga asanas for relieving joint pain in old age

Staying fit and active can help you increase your body’s range of motion. At old age, our joints start aching and related health issues can be seen. Staying active will help them stay warm and strong whereas staying super active can also become a probThis prevents your joints from getting stiffer as you age. There is research that proves how people with better motion have fewer symptoms.

Improve your muscle strength in order to stabilize the knee joints. It is important to strengthen the hip and core muscles if you want to maximize the function of the knees. Yoga Therapy will help you in a good way as it offers multiple benefits to those who suffer from weak knees or pain in their knees. Here are some yoga postures which will strengthen and stabilize the knee while holding them in proper alignment. Include these yoga asanas and practice three to four times a week.

Make sure to hold each pose for at least five breaths and slow down if you feel any discomfort or pulling sensation on the knee. 

Sukshma Vyayam

Stand with your feet together, and interlace your fingers. Rise up on your toes and stretch your arms upwards. Gently lift and drop your heels 10-15 times to slowly warm up your knees.


Start on your back, and lift up your upper and lower body to balance on your sitting bones. Align your toes with your eyes. Keep your knees and back straight and arms parallel to the ground. Tighten your abdominal muscles and straighten your back. 


Lift your right leg off the floor and balance your body weight on your left leg, place your right foot on your left inner thigh. Place it as close to your pelvis as possible. You may support your foot with your palms to bring it in place. After you find your balance, join your palms in Pranam Mudra at your heart chakra. 


Sit down on the ground, or on a bed as per your comfort. Keep your spine erect, and stretch your legs out ahead. You can point and flex your toes a few times. Engage and activate the muscles of your pelvis, thighs, and calves. Keep both palms beside your hips on the floor and breathe with awareness. Inhale and exhale normally.

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