418 people died in a single day, Corona created chaos in this country

Paris: 418 people have died on Monday due to the Corona virus epidemic infection in France. This is the highest number of deaths due to this epidemic in France in 1 day. After which the total number of people who died in France has reached 3,024. Please tell that in the daily bulletin issued by the French government, it has been told that 20,946 patients of Corona in France are admitted in hospitals, out of which 5,056 have been kept in ICU.

It is worth mentioning that due to Corona, there is a terrible situation from Europe to America. So far, 38,000 people have lost their lives due to Corona virus in the whole world. At the same time, about 8 lakh people are infected. Another thing to note is that two-thirds of the people who died due to this disease are from Europe.

At the same time, 10,779 patients died in Italy due to Corona virus and 97,689 people are still infected. The first corona virus patient died there in late February. So far 13,030 patients have been cured of this disease. In Spain, with the death of 812 people in the last twenty-four hours, 7,340 patients have died due to this disease. There have been 85,195 cases of this disease in the country.


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