44 Indian security martyrs, International Condemn statement comes across from different country’s head

New Delhi: As Pakistan-backed Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) terrorists attacked the CRPF convoy in Awantipura, Pulwama in Jammu and Kashmir, killing almost 44 Indian security men, the world stood by India and joined hands in condemning the ghastly attack. US, Russia, Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka expressed condolences over the deaths of CRPF men in the suicide attack claimed by the JeM.

The Embassy of the Russian Federation in a statement said "We denounce terrorism in all its forms&reiterate the need to combat these inhuman acts with a decisive and collective response without any double standards. We express condolences to families of the deceased and wish a speedy recovery to injured,".

The US envoy to India Kenneth Juster said that the US Mission in India strongly condemns today’s terrorist attack in J&K. He said in a statement "We send our heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims. The United States stands alongside India in confronting terror and defeating it,".  

Sri Lankan PM Ranil Wickremesinghe said "I strongly condemn the brutal terrorist attack in Kashmir's Pulwama district — the worst ever terror attack in Jammu and Kashmir since 1989. I express my condolences to @narendramodi and the families of police officers who lost their lives,".

also read Sacrifices made by the martyrs won't go in vain: PM Narendra Modi

Maldives Foreign Minister Abdulla Shahid said, "Strongly condemn the suicide terrorist attack on the convoy carrying Indian security forces in Jammu and Kashmir today. I extend my prayers and condolences to the bereaved families of the dead and injured." Meanwhile, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) said that the JeM is led by Masood Azhar, 'who has been given full freedom by Government of Pakistan to operate and expand his terror infrastructure in territories under the control of Pakistan&to carry out attacks in India and elsewhere with impunity'.

MEA said "We reiterate our appeal to members of international community to support the proposal to list terrorists, including JeM Chief, as a designated terrorist under 1267 Sanctions Committee of UN Security Council&ban terror organisations operating from territories controlled by Pakistan,".

also read Awantipora terror attack: 40 CRPF personnel martyr, human body parts littered across the highway

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