5 amazing tips to make your skin healthy and young

Our skin is one of the sensitive parts of our body. It can be affected by many of the different factors such as pollution, smoking, improper diet and improper sleep. It is very important for us to follow healthy habits to avoid the screen healthy. Today we bring you five healthy tips  which you should follow to keep your skin healhy and young.

Use Sunscreen-  Use should use Sunscreens as it is very important to keep your skin safe from the harmful UV rays of the sun. Sunscreens keep your skin cells from getting damaged.

Stop smoking- According to study smoking can cause skin ageing. Smoking can cause wrinkles and also make your skin dull and drowsy.

Healthy diet - One cannot insist more on the importance of a good diet for healthy skin. If you eat oily, junk food, you will see signs of ageing appearing on your skin way faster than if you do not. Eating fresh, high nutrient food can really help keep your skin healthy and glowing for longer.

Skin care-  Our skin is very sensitive and it is very important for us to take proper care of it. This includes cleaning your skin gently, using the right temperature of water to wash your face, moisturizing it everyday, removing makeup before going to sleep and just treating your skin right

Exercise -Exercise reflects significantly on our health. It can help in improving circulation and blood flow and it can help your skin stay radiant and glowing for long. 

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