5 easy steps to deal with puffy eyes

There's a quote that states, "The bags under my eyes are Prada." seems little funny and strange, yes, but even if they were Hermes, those swollen under eye bags would not be any more appealing. Puffy eyes indicate by a number of names like under eye swelling or eye bags and can occur due to many causes of a poor diet to infrequent skin care. All that matters is how to banish them, which you can do in 5 ways.

1. Massage your eyes 

Massagers aren't just for the back and head, you know. Like a facial roller, opt for a cooling eye roller and gently massage your undereye area with it at night. This will soothe the skin and give it relief.

2. Stop using excess Salt

You may not know it yet but plenty of sodium can cause swollen under eyes too. In high quantities, sodium retains water within the body and can do the same to the eye area as well. So if you find your eyes puffy for no good reason, it's apparently time to put down the salt shaker.

3. Wipe Off The Day

No matter how lazy you feel by night, never skip makeup removal. When you do, residue from mascara, shadow and liner get trapped within the socket and upset the eye. This leads to watery eyes and puffy bags when you wake up.

4. Don't Forget To Treat It

The undereye skin is very sensitive and needs to be handled very smoothly with the right products. To check puffiness, opt for a soothing eye cream like the Votre Eye Cream which will work to overcome weakness and tiredness so that puffiness is banished once and for all.

5. Have enough sleep 

One of the easiest reasons why you're possibly waking up with puffy eyes is that you aren't sleeping accurately. Ensure that you get 6 - 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep at night and raise your head with two fluffy pillows to prevent fluid retention in the undereye area through the night. This will ensure you sleep well and wake up fresh.

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