5 Little known way to create 'Harmonious Relationship'

Relationship is very precious part in everybody life and to maintain it become difficult and sometime impossible. The moment love become relationship, it becomes bondage as insecurities arise, expectations and their demand. Sometimes there are frustrations and efforts from both sides dominate. It becomes struggle.

Relationships help us see and understand ourselves through the eyes of the other and experience love, compassion, forgiveness, and gratitude. Below is some little known way which maintains your relationships and made a healthy relationship:

#Love and Accept as yourself as you are

Before searching for love from other accept yourself who you are, ask yourself what you like what you experience from your past and what you get from your childhood. Instead of searching for someone who understand your feeling and fill that gap first you have to understand yourself, love yourself. Take some time for yourself. Look inside, search for your wants and need. Meditate, go for walks in nature, dance, and enjoy a beautiful sunset. Give to yourself what you usually look to receive from others.

#Be Honest with you and others

Honesty is the root of any relationship. If you are honest to yourself no one even think to betray you. For this don’t get afraid of telling the truth, fully expressed what you feel and what you think. Don’t compromise you inner truth and don’t manipulate.Be honest with the people whatever the consequences are. This will not only feel well yourself but also encourage other to open their heart for you and connect with you in a way that will allow you both to grow.

#Feel and Live every moment as it is your last:


Life can be complicated. It can be simple .It can be happy or sad. To be happy, we must not be too concerned with others. Live the present moment as it come and feel the beauty of it. To live and enjoy life to fullest letting go the things that is happening and lives it without thinking of others. Observe yourself because no one know you as you know yourself and  learn to trust that life is abundant and will bring other beautiful moments for you to enjoy.

#Treat life as a opportunity:

Every relationship gives you many opportunities to learn and grow. Don’t ruined these opportunity under your ego. Always have positive attitude towards the opportunity we get from life. When one door closes, another opens, but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.

#Never blame or judge other for what you feel:

No one likes to be judged. As you don’t know about the person you are talking .We usually blame other what we think what we heard. First ask yourself why I am blaming what he/she said. Understand the feelings of other. Try to understand what you are being shown about yourself and what lessons you need to learn. To understand the heart and mind of a person, look not at what he has already achieved, but at what he aspires to, instead of blaming them.


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