5 tips to get rid of pain during mensuration cycle

Most girls and women experienced too many troubles such as aching pain in the belly (sometimes severe), Feeling of pressure in the belly, Pain in the hips as well as lower back, and inner thighs among others the problem of pain in the menstruation periods. Some girls have experienced very quick pain during periods. Due to which the stomach swelling Problems like constipation and diarrhea also occur. The girls also consume the pen killers to get rid of this pain. Eating pen killers can cause lots of harm to health. Today we are going to tell you some homemade remedies that will help you to get rid of the pain in period.

1-To get rid of the pain of period first, drink tea of ginger, jasmine and chamomile. By doing this you will get relief from period pain and your body moisture will remain intact.

2- Drinking juice of aloe vera and papaya also provides relief from periodic pain.

3- If you want to get rid of period pain, then message with lavender oil to the lower part of your stomach.

4- Do not take caffeine during your most panic days as it can increase your pain.

5- Avoid Doughnuts, potato chips, and other fatty fried foods. Instead of these stick to a low-fat, high-fiber diet like whole grains, lentils and beans, vegetables especially leafy dark-green, fruits, and nuts.



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