Corona cases are continuously increasing In Madhya Pradesh, 2552 new cases reported

Bhopal: Cases of coronavirus infection in Madhya Pradesh are increasing day by day. Now, the number of corona-infected has crossed one lakh last Friday. Yes, the speed of infection can be gauged from the fact that out of these, 50 thousand cases have increased in just 29 days. Yes, it took 151 days to get the first 50 thousand cases.

During that, 50640 people were infected on 21st August. Now, on the last Friday also, 2552 new cases were found, which is the largest figure of one day in the last six months. Now, if the speed is the same, two lakh can be infected around November 10. Talk to Bhopal, there were 4088 cases in the first 116 days and 4142 new cases have been found here in 18 days of September. With 24 new deaths, the total death toll has reached 1901 which is shocking.

Even after the infection has increased, the recovery rate is also getting a sharp edge. In fact, it was 75 last Thursday. 98%, which was 76 on Friday. has been 60%. At present, Madhya Pradesh has become the 16th state in the country where more than one lakh have become infected. In the capital, 291 new infections have also been reported to have been included in PHE minister Edal Singh Kansana and BJP state General Minister Bhagwandas Sabnani.

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