6 Ayurvedic ways to treat Acne

As time passes we are preferring natural remedies over chemical products. Ayurveda provides various holistic and natural ways to fight various skin problems and keep your skin healthy. The age-old methodologies of Ayurveda goes beyond conventional approaches to find the answer to the disorder and treat it away from its roots.  One of the biggest problems of today's generation is Acne. Acne can be highly stubborn and distressing. The pimples can not only be painful but also leave behind ugly scars. It is very important to make smart choices especially when skin is concerned Chemical products may affect your skin very badly but not to worry here are some easy natural and chemical-free Ayurvedic remedies to treat your acne.

Turmeric: Make a paste of turmeric powder with water and apply on the skin. Once dry, rinse off and pat dry. You can replace water with honey for dry skin. Turmeric is an antibacterial and anti-fungal Ayurvedic remedy to prevent bacterial breakouts and pimples. It is also anti-allergic and cleanse toxins from the pores.

Tulsi/Basil: It is available in every Indian home, you can apply it daily , leaves may be crushed in a pestle and boiled with a cup of water to yield basil tea. Allow it to cool before applying it to the affected areas. Crush the leaves and boil with water, steaming the face for 10 minutes. This not only opens up the pores to provide for deeper cleansing, but also removes dead cells and expels toxins from the body.

Honey and Lemon:  Mix equal quantities of honey and freshly squeezed lemon juice and apply it to the affected area. Leave for ten minutes and wash off with warm water. Take care not to apply on open wounds and popped acne. Apply every day and you will start to see results with 7-10 days. Lemon is an excellent all-natural antimicrobial and acts against common microbes found on the skin like Pseudomonas and Micrococcus, which grow in the presence of sebum. Honey is particularly effective against Escherichia coli (E. coli), Enterobacter aerogenes, Salmonella typhimurium, S. aureus.

Papapya: Papaya is a great Ayurvedic remedy for acne and pimples. Wash your face, pat dry and apply papaya paste on your face. Leave the mask on for 20-20 minutes and rinse off with warm water.

Potatoes: You might have not been aware of it but Potatoes are useful in treating acne, fighting off bacteria, and also giving a natural glow to the skin. Slice thin disks from a potato and massage your face gently with it. Make sure to use a different piece of potato disk on different parts of you face to avoid spreading of bacteria.

Neem Leaves:  If you have access to fresh leaves, they should be ground into a soft paste and applied for getting rid of acne scars. Wipe off after 10-15 minutes with tissue paper dipped in warm water. Neem offers anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral activity. Neem acts against both gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria which helps you to treat acne.

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