7 Food items that cause Yellow Teeth

The stain on your teeth or yellow stains is a big problem these days. For some people, it is a very big cause of worry as it will directly affect your looks. Do you know the food which you consume in your daily life also causes yellow stains on your teeth? Food is a big factor behind staining. There are certain food compounds that contain “tannins” that make their color stick to your teeth' enamel. In addition, acidic foods weaken the surface of your enamel making teeth even more vulnerable to stains. Finally, variations in the temperature in the food you consume can be damaging and make the surface of the enamel easier to stain.  Here is a list of some of the worst teeth-staining foods that make it difficult to maintain a pearly-white smile. These foods are for sure the main reason for your yellow teeth and stains.  Sugar and Candies: Some Candies, lollies, chewing gums, and ice popsicles are sugary sweets that contain coloring agents that will change your teeth' color. You may often notice that your tongue turns colorful after you’ve eaten these treats, it also has the same effect on your teeth and in the long run could cause some serious damage. These candies not only affect your teeth' color but it also causes tooth decay. Smoking, Tobacco, and Alcohol: You may have seen yellow teeth of people who consume Tobacco. Not only the consumption of tobacco but also the consumption of alcohol,  Smoking has a lot of serious health problems linked to it. In addition, tobacco causes dark brown or black stains on the teeth, due to the coal tar combustion. This item also causes damage to your body. Curries: One of the most strongly staining foods curries causes serious stains on your teeth for a long period. This is because curry contains a yellow pigment called curcumin that was historically used to dye clothing because of how good it was at staining material. Coffee and Tea: Tea leads to unsightly teeth stains if one consumes them on a regular basis. Avoid black tea and pick green, white or any of the herbal teas, which are also healthier.  Coffee also causes stains on your teeth But here is some bad news for coffee lovers. Coffee holds the number 1 spot on the list of foods that stain your teeth. So both Tea and coffee affect your teeth. Sauces: Sauces that contain tomatoes or soya sauces contain various contents which change the color of your teeth. It has dark brown pigments that can stain your teeth. Sauces like soy sauce may also be especially staining because they are highly concentrated. Wines: Especially Red wines contain tannins and red pigments that come from the skin and seeds of grapes. Red wine stains act much like coffee, penetrating into your enamel and it causes paleness on your teeth. Tomatoes: You might be shocked by hearing this but tomato also causes yellow teeth. If you want to keep your pearly whites looking their best, you may want to take precautions when eating tomato-based items like the kind you typically have on pizza or spaghetti. 

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