70 percent of the deadliest virus generate from animals in the world

Coronavirus is proving to be a boon for nature. The same, the failed campaign to clean the rivers for decades is seen to bring color without any effort. This pleasant change has happened due to the tragic circumstances on earth. Environmentalists believe that the coronavirus infection has stalled the whole world. If all the activities are stalled then there is constant relief from pollution. These conditions are becoming favorable to fight against Corona. Modern science also seems to support his belief.

Apart from this, research by Harvard University of America shows that if someone lives in a severely air-polluted area and is infected with Corona, then there is a 15 percent chance of death. Naturalists believe that nature is treating itself. When it recovers itself, then humans will also be able to keep it healthy. However, they also fear that as the corona outbreak has subsided, we will exploit the natural resources again and bring them to the condition before December 2019. Corona is also a side effect of our luxurious lifestyle. We erased the difference between food and food in order to eradicate biodiversity.

For your information, let us tell you that the Tamasi trend of devouring creatures from bats and pangolins has also worked as a corona to flaunt the human civilization with the earth. 70 percent of epidemics like Ebola and Nipah are becoming wildlife. We interfered in their limits and the result was revealed. On April 22, we are going to celebrate the 50th Earth Day. In such a situation, the significance of celebrating this day is that we all take a pledge that we will do everything we can to preserve nature in its true form to stop the corona-like havoc of nature.

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