9 Summer makeup tips to avoid meltdowns

The most common occasion on which we love to get ready is the wedding. The main topics on which we work are on our out outfits, jewellery, and footwear. The crucial things we need to be careful about is our makeup. In summers we mainly suffer from the makeup meltdowns. It is a big problem in outdoor weddings. Here are some of the makeup tips which you can adopt:

First get the basics right: 1 Apply an anti-shine product on your face just before applying the foundation. 2 Hydrate your skin with lightweight essence or serum. Moisturizer cream is also great for giving a dewy look and provides a great texture to the skin 3 Use a spot concealer on areas with blemishes, under the eyes or around the corners of your nose. A spot concealer stays longer than a foundation. 4 Always double-cleanse as your skin produces a lot more oil and sebum. Oil cleansers are extremely beneficial to let the skin cool off first and then use the cleansing product. 5 The final touch - After the application of foundation, powder your face with a brush.

Smoky eyes or the classic look? 1 Apply the concealer you have used on your face, all over your eye-lids to maintain uniformity. 2 Eyeliners are a popular choice to make your eyes appear big and beautiful. 3 Waterproof your eyes- Use a great eye base, then use a smudge-free eyeliner and a water-proof mascara. This will prepare you for the moments when you want to let go of yourself at the moment by shedding a tear or two. 4 Finally, use a powder eyeshadow and dab two layers of it, from the lash line to the brow.

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