Bill to promote Mahatma Gandhi's legacy introduced in America

Washington: US Senior Civil Rights Leader Congressman John Lewis introduced a bill in the House of Representatives to promote the legacy of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. and for the next 5 years, demanded budgetary allocation of about 1 thousand crores (US $ 150 million).

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This House Bill (HR 5517), introduced keeping in mind the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, reflects the friendship between the world's two largest democracies and honors the legacy and contributions of Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King. Among other things, the bill proposes the establishment of the Gandhi-King Development Foundation, which will be built by USAID according to Indian laws. The bill calls for a budgetary allocation of approximately 200 crore rupees (US $ 30 million) annually for the next 5 years to USAID for the Gandhi-King Development Foundation.

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The bill states that the foundation will have a governing council convened by the governments of the United States and India and work to provide grants to non-governmental organizations in the areas of health, pollution and climate change, education and women's empowerment.

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