There is a day of 8 months on this planet!

Venus is often called Earth's twin planet. This is because it is almost equal to Earth in size and there are many similarities in the structure of both planets. Both Venus and Earth are rocky planets and volcanoes are also found on their surface. However, there is a lot of difference in the evolution of both.

One day on Venus is equivalent to 8 Earth months:  The experience of time on Venus is quite different. One day on Venus is equivalent to 243 Earth days. This means that one day on Venus is equivalent to about 8 Earth months. This is because Venus rotates very slowly on its axis. Its rotation is so slow that one full day on it is equivalent to about one Earth year.

Venus: The hottest planet in the solar system: Venus is considered to be the hottest planet in the solar system. Its surface temperature reaches 475 degrees Celsius, which is too hot for life. The main reason for this is the presence of large amounts of carbon dioxide in Venus's atmosphere. This carbon dioxide creates a greenhouse effect, which increases the temperature of the planet excessively.

Atmosphere and pressure : Venus' atmosphere is very dense and full of carbon dioxide. Because of this, its atmospheric pressure is 90 times higher than that of Earth. The possibility of life becomes quite difficult in such high pressure conditions, but scientists are still investigating it in depth.

Venus has no moons: Venus has no moons, which makes it different from other planets. Apart from this, Venus also has strong winds and a very dangerous environment. The conditions on the surface of Venus are so harsh that it is quite challenging to reach there and collect data from there.

Why is studying Venus important?: By studying Venus we can learn more about Earth. Because the two planets have a lot of similarities in their structure, by studying the conditions on Venus we can understand what the future of Earth might be like if there are changes in its atmosphere. This planet can be a wonderful example of looking into the future of Earth.

New discoveries on Venus : In recent years, scientists have discovered many new facts about the planet Venus. They have found that volcanoes are constantly active on the surface of Venus. Apart from this, some chemicals have been identified in the atmosphere of Venus, which may be signs of life. However, this discovery is still in its initial stages and more research is needed on it.

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