Migrant Worker reaches Hyderabad with his pregnant wife, child by foot

Due to the ongoing coronavirus lockdown across the country, people are stranded in another state. Everyone wants to go back to their home. In such a situation, every possible help is being tried by the government to help these people, but due to helplessness, many expatriates are planning their journey to their state on foot. People are facing a lot of problems in this hot summer, but one such migrant was stuck in Madhya Pradesh with his pregnant wife. In such a situation, he decided to go to Hyderabad to his home on foot and finally he managed to reach Hyderabad by walking 700 km.

For your information, let us tell you that at present, the third phase of lockdown is going on in the country. The period of this lockdown is till 17 May. Keeping in mind the rising coronavirus infection in the country, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has imposed this lockdown.

However, at this time the country is going through a very delicate situation. Indians are stranded in the country and abroad due to the lockdown. In such a situation, special buses, trains and flights are being run to help these people.

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