A person wrote a political post on Facebook then Facebook officials went to his house and…

Social media is widely used in India and people often keep their thoughts and opinions through social media. But recently a user has written a political post about the Lok Sabha elections, and due to this political article, the official of Facebook has reached this user's house. Yes, due to writing a post on social media, a person's physical verification was done and this physical verification was done by Facebook by visiting his house. This case sounds pretty strange to hear, because no one has imagined that a physical post verification could be due to a post written in it.

This incident is being told recently and it is being said that a person living in Delhi wrote a post on Facebook that was linked to politics. A few days after writing this post, a person at the person's home made a physical verification of this person by a Facebook official. According to this person, he did not understand what was happening at the beginning and because of his physical verification was being done. This person felt like the police had come to his house to verify the passport.

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Without exposing his name, this person told that the rights of Facebook demanded many documents from me for physical verification. After looking at the documents, he ensured that the political post I wrote is not the case. This person is still not convinced that he can send his official to the house to inquire about a Facebook post.

According to a cyber law expert, if this incident is true then this Facebook has violated the user's privacy and the physical verification of any user is outside the legal filing. Senior advocate Pawan Duggal of the Supreme Court, while giving his opinion on the matter, said that the physical verification of a user is strange and strict action can be taken against the social media platform to do so. Talking to IANS, Duggal said that if Facebook wanted to remove the user's account or delete the user's account, then he could delete the user's posts.

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According to Duggal, when a political advertisement is run on Facebook, then the company verifies advertisers and for doing so, either by sending a representative to a physical verification, or by sending the code verification process is done. . But the user's physical verification is a violation of the privacy of the user and the user can file a case against Facebook.


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