Abuse your god and chant Allah-hu-Akbar.. , video goes viral

Here heartbreaking video has surfaced from Pakistan on social media in which a man can be seen forcing a Hindu teenager to chant religious slogans and abuse Hindu gods. In a Viral Video, a Muslim man could be seen abusing a Hindu guy by forcing him to chant ?Allah hu Akbar?.

Later it was found that the video was originally uploaded through a Youtube channel ?Abdul Salam Abu Dawood? with the caption of ?Hindu torture by Muslim in Pakistan?. It was uploaded by the accused on his youtube channel to dishonor the Hindu community living in Pakistan. Moreover, he was the same person who forced the Hindu guy to chant ?Allah Hu Akbar? and to abuse the Hindu gods. 


The victim has been identified as a Hindu teenager of the Bhil community who resides in the Sindh province of Pakistan. Abdul forced him to say sister-based slurs on Hindu Gods which the frightened Hindu boy followed. ?You all (Hindus) have spread filth in Pakistan?, Abdul said in the video.

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