According to astrology, this planet has a unique relation with water

According to astrology and according to nature, we cannot survive without water. Five elements are required to build a life. One of them is the water element. Water is the most valuable and miraculous of tangible things. Water not only keeps a person's life but also determines his feelings, his capacity and his spirituality.

Why is water considered magical or miraculous? - Water can absorb both positive and negative energy. - This is the reason why the act of invoking water is done with a mantra. - Only the water element of the body can make you powerful and divine. - By using water, both real and imaginary problems can be overcome. Correct and balanced use of water in life keeps you healthy and toxin-free. - It controls the flow of emotions and makes you spiritual.

What are the rules and precautions for the use of water? - By using water more and more, you will be able to stay healthy. - Drink more water during the day and less water at night. - Do not stand and drink a lot of water at once. - Normal temperature waterworks like medicine and life - Both the moon and the mind are strengthened by protecting and conserving water. - If the water is wasted, if it is misused then there is both economic and mental damage. - People who have wastage of water in their house, water keeps flowing or dripping, there is a lot of mental problems and financial problems.

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