Activeness in social media can create problem in your personal life

In today's era, the life has become more social, the relationship is becoming more complicated. In this period of social media, it is a sign that you are insecure in your relationship. If your partner does this thing too much then you should be worried. 

You will be surprised to know that if your partner is more active on the social media then it may be that he feels intuitive. According to social scientific research, Facebook, Instagram, and other social media sites can be a major indicator which tells how strong your relationship is. One study has found that social media plays an important role in creating and breaking any relationship. 

According to research, people who think more about their relationship are more active on Facebook. Upload more than enough photos. And those who are more insecure, they share more of their photos on social media. The reason for this can be that if you upload a photo and there were more likes and comments on it, then your relationship could be in danger. Because your partner can be jealous. 

Those who are happier and most secure in their relationship, they try to keep their relationship away from social media. Because such people think that they do not need to show their relationship to the world. Using excessive social media is a victim of depression because those who are victims of this thing try to compare their relationship with others. 

They show that their relationship is better than others. But those who are not insecure live their life. They do not make any sense to anyone else. They take time to each other. 

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