Activities that Night lovers tend to do

People often wonder how night owls function, but what they miss out on is that they stay asleep just fine and they like to go to bed hours after others wake up. While the rest of the world sleeps, the insomniacs rejoice in their little world.

And if you're someone who just rolled your eyes at being called an insomniac, here are 4 things you're bound to relate to-

It's your most active time of the day

You are literally 50% more active in the night than you are in the day. You can dance, exercise, do karaoke or fly a rocket (if asked to) at night.

You have the best startup ideas

You have the best alternative career options like being a scuba-diving instructor or opening up a library or whatever. But you NEVER dare to execute them.

You easily indulge in impulsive online shopping

Ever purchased something just because it looks cute? Like a pair of socks with minions on them? Sounds familiar? We've all done it and are extremely guilty of buying things in a random impulse.

You imagine weird scenarios

You imagine weird scenarios like what if zombies are for real or what would you do if you were attacked by an alien right at that moment. We all indulge in these scenarios and dream of the impossible happening to us, whilst listing how we would deal with them.

 You finish seasons in one go

When it comes to binge-watching, you don't watch episodes, but prefer finishing seasons in one go, and that my friend requires a special talent.

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